Download/Upload Files From/To iPhone

Method 1: WiFi Networks

a. In the main interface (Figure 1), tab on the screen to display the Function Menu

b. Tab on the "Files Transfer" button in Figure 2

c. Select the Albums for Exporting  and press the "WiFi" button at the bottom (Figure 3)

d. The IP address for download is displayed (Figure 4)

e. Open a browser in your computer and click on the "" file (Figure 5) to download file to computer

f. To upload to iPhone, click on the "Browse" button to select file

g. Click on the "Submit" button to upload file to iPhone


Method 2: Email

a. In the main interface (Figure 1), tab on the screen to display the Function Menu

b. Tab on the "Files Transfer" button in Figure 2

c. Select the Albums for Exporting  and press the "Email" button at the bottom (Figure 3)

d. Selected Albums are zipped into the file "" and attached to the email



Figure 1: Main Interface                                                        Figure 2: Function Menu


Figure 3: Select Files for Transfer                                                Figure 4: WiFi Transfer


  Figure 5: Download or Upload files to iPhone