What's New in PhotoViz 3.2?
5 Jan 2010
1. Content Access Control Module. Hidden
messages and content can now be encrypted directly in
PhotoViz. Access to embedded content can be restricted
through the use of passwords and Registration Photos.
2. Improved Automatic Image Correction. New image
enhancement algorithms give better contrast and livelier
colors. Users can now select Auto Contrast, Auto Levels and
Auto Color separately.
3. Batch Photo Processing. A new feature to
automatically enhance all images in the directory and
subdirectories. User can also specify an extension to be
appended to filenames.
What's New in PhotoViz 3.1?
7 May
1. Active Photo (Active Gallery). Active
Photo is a novel way of delivering content, web applications
quickly and easily by embedding them into images. Active
Photo offers an easier, more intuitive way to view, manage,
and share your photos through Photo Galleries. Viewers may
also view a slide show, rate and provide valuable comments.
Your photos are secure and can be shared online or offline
with friends and family.
2. Batch Photo Processing with Zip Option.
photographs are automatically enhanced, resized and saved as a
zip file. Images can also be converted from one file format
into another.
What's New in PhotoViz 3.0?
1 October
1. Steganography. Users can view
secret messages, save attached files, view web content and
even execute windows applications hidden in images.
Confidential messages and files are hidden in images using
the portal
http://www.mailplusplus.com and emailed to recipients.
PhotoViz 3.0 builds virtual communities and promotes
communication and sharing by providing security and privacy
through the encryption of confidential messages and files in
images. Access to hidden data in images can be restricted
to the target audience. Windows or web applications hidden
in images can also be executed.
2. ImageView. ImageViz is a program introduced to
view and manage all functions for single images. This
provides a better user experience when viewing many images.
3. JPEG Quality. Users can specify the quality of
JPEG files before saving. (available from ver 3.0.85
What's New in PhotoViz 2.1?
8 October
1. Files and Directories Management.
Users can now copy, cut, paste, edit and create image files
and directories.
2. Enhanced User Interface. Easier access to the
functionalities of PhotoViz through the use of right mouse
clicks and new icons.
3. Editing in Other Application . Launch Microsoft
Paint within PhotoViz to further edit your photographs.
4. Multi-Language Support. PhotoViz now supports three
languages: English, Chinese and Thai.